Upcoming Events

Therapeutic Art Series: Date TBA (Ignore 12/20 date listed)
Ages 15 and up
Reserve your spot with Raven at raven@integrativetherapyservices.org and to stay up to date on any date changes.
Class 2- Ouroboros
These therapeutic art class offerings are available to everyone and do not require specialized artistic skills or training.
Participants are asked to bring a notebook/journal as well as any quotes/phrases they find supportive and encouraging. These can be used as part of the collage material if desired.
$20 per class
Many projects will not be fully completed during the class time. This is intentional. We want you to spend time with your creation, take it home, add to it, work with it. Finish it in your own time.

Chakra Box
Tuesday, Nov. 14, 6:30-8pm
Free but a $10 art supply donation is encouraged
8 Max participants - Registration via email is required: raven@integrativetherapyservices.org
In this therapeutic art class we'll be exploring the Chakras as a vehicle for self-reflection and creative expression.
These classes are inspired by psychological theories, philosophical ideas as well as religious and spiritual traditions. Participants need not believe in any of the principles used in the classes. We simply use these traditions and ideas for creative insight and inspiration. Use them as different ways to explore the self.

Therapeutic Art Series: Class 1
Ages 15 and up (Limited to the first 10 to register)
Class 1- Unmasking the Shadow
These therapeutic art class offerings are available to everyone and do not require specialized artistic skills or training.
In analytical psychology, the shadow is an unconscious aspect of the personality that does not correspond with the ego ideal, leading the ego to resist and project the shadow. Shadow work is, at heart, about developing self-awareness and ultimately, self-acceptance and compassion. Through decorative mask-making we will explore both our outer ego and hidden shadow selves as we move towards embracing both sides of our personal mask. Mask provided as well as collage and decorative supplies.
Bring a notebook/journal for written reflections.
Many projects will not be fully completed during the class time. This is intentional. We want you to spend time with your creation, take it home, add to it, work with it. Finish it in your own time.

Inner Tapestries
A gentle opportunity to slow down, turn inward, find connection, and make meaning.
Reoccurring Monday event; $10/session, preregistration is required

New Moon Drumming Journey
Drum journeying is a way to communicate with your inner spirit self and retrieve information.
No experience necessary. The drums and your imagination with do the work! Bring a notebook/journal to record your journey. Sharing with the group will be encouraged. Please come journey with us!

Inner Tapestries
A gentle opportunity to slow down, turn inward, find connection, and make meaning.
Reoccurring Monday event; $10/session, preregistration is required